Friday, February 1, 2013

Class Update(s)

My classes this week were so fun!  I went to a lyrical on Tuesday as my second make up, then my regular ballet Wednesday.  The lyrical was Lyrical Intermediate 1, and like Ballet Intermediate 1, it was a class of younger girls.  It was a wider range of ages than the ballet class though; these girls seemed to be about 7 to 12 years old.  One of the girls I saw in the Ballet Intermediate class too.  We were in Studio 3, so this was my first time in a different room than Studio 1.  Weird, I know.

After a full stretch, we did battements "Around the World" across the floor.  It's basically a battement combination front right, front left, side right, back left, back right, side left, then repeat.  It was interesting because we've never done battements away from barre in class.  Then we did some leap combinations across the floor.  I pretty much failed miserably at that...I'll be working on my leaps, I guess haha.  They were just starting their choreography for recital, so I took the place of a girl that was absent.  Their dance was to 'Too Close' by Alex Clare (love that song).  With two other girls, I had to lift one of the smaller girls and we carried her downstage.  The rest of the choreo was fabulous too.  We only learned about 15 seconds of it, but I love it.  It also helped me improve a lot, I think.  It included a double pirouette which I nailed every time (I think it's safe to say I finally have a consistent double :D ), and a drop and roll from the pirouette.  It also had a slide into a right split, so I could push myself closer each time.   The routine was also strengthening; we had a section where we held in push-up position, and another where we sat up by pulling forward with our hips.  Overall, the class was really awesome.  I find that the two things that give me the hardest time are leaps and ground parts, so I'm glad I got to work on them.  My mom said if I really liked it, I could sign up for it.  I don't think I will, though.  It's too late to get the costume now, because the late fine would make it over $100.  There's the option of taking the class and not performing in the recital, but I know how much I love the choreography and how it's going to disappoint me.  So I think not, but I will definitely be going back for make ups.

Ballet this week was super fun too, as always!  We did a center barre again, which I love.  Then we did some piques, and I finally nailed a double in the combination (yay!).  Then Ms. Athena showed us how to use a resistance band, and something cool at the studio...a Pro-Arch foot stretcher!  She let us all try it and it was really cool!  We started the recital choreography this week.  All we have right now is the stage entrance, but I think it's going to turn out really pretty.  We also did this jump combination that we're supposed to have down by next week, so in a way we have homework.  Unfortunately, I hurt my ankle yesterday and can barely walk.  No practice for me :(

My classes this week were awesome, and I feel like I've actually learned a lot.  I'm kinda sad that I don't have anymore make up classes left...I liked checking out the other classes lol.  Do you like make up classes too?  I hope your classes are amazing as well and you're achieving some goals ;)  I'll post and update of my goals in a couple weeks, but I'm still working at them.  Keep dancing guys!

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