Friday, December 21, 2012

Class Update - Last Class of the Year!

Class this week was super fun!  It was a pretty small class, only like four other girls were there.  We had some time before class and while we were messing around I landed a triple pirouette :D  Instead of barre, we did center barre.  It was really hard, doing plies and tendus without holding onto a barre.  Then we laid on our backs and did battements and beats (I don't know what they're actually  We also did our middle splits and stretched our turnouts.  Apparently, I have the worst turnout in class XD  Then we did my favorites: piques, pirouettes, and those chaine-ish turns I can never remember the name of!  After we did our turns, we did our holiday dance then had some cookies.  Our teacher makes us cookies for holidays :3  We did some grand jetes to finish off class, and that was it.  That was our last class this year :(  We have a two week break, then we're back to class.  I already can't wait!  Our teacher says she's going to teach us to waltz when we get back...should be interesting.  Readers, how are your classes?  How long is your holiday break?


  1. There was barely anyone in my class and our teacher brought cookies, too (yum).

  2. Thanks for following my blog, by the way.
