Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I've been looking at skirts for a while.  I think it's time to be a big girl and graduate from Soffes lol.  I bought this skirt last week, and it arrived Saturday.  It's super pretty, but the waist isn't as elastic as I thought it'd be.  It fits....if I pull it on over my head.  Ain't nobody got time fo dat! XD  I'm returning it, and maybe I can get something more elastic and maybe less sheer this time.  I don't think I'd like wrap skirts; I like the flowy, swishy skirts, like circle skirts, and I think I'd rather wear it at my hips.  I've been looking at pull-on skirts and these are the ones I'm considering.
Mirella Pull-on Skirt
Body Wrappers Roll-down Waist Skirt
Watercolours Pull-on Skirt

I originally wanted this one in Nightime Floral, but Body Wrappers discontinued it in that color :(  I'm still thinking about getting it in Luscious Blooms instead, but I don't know if the M/L is the same as the M/T (which was the size of the skirt I'm returning).
Body Wrappers Circle Skirt

Please help me choose!  Tell me if you've tried any of these skirts, or if anyone you know has one!  Or you could simply offer your opinion haha ;)  Also, if you were looking for a skirt too, I found these gorgeous wrap skirts on Etsy.  Soooo pretty :D  Thanks guys, keep dancing!


  1. I love dance skirts! I have one in black that looks similar to the one you returned. The first one of your choices seems nice
