Monday, October 15, 2012

Some Splits Tips

I just stretched for the first time in a week.  I usually stretch every night, but I hurt my left hamstring last week so I thought I'd give it a break.  Thankfully, it wasn't anything serious, so with rest and BioFreeze it's all good again!  Since I hadn't stretched in seven days, I thought my muscles would be tight, but I was actually more flexible than usual.  I don't really know why I'm telling this story...the pointe is that I was thinking about tricks to slide into your splits, so I'm posting my favorites.

1. Warm up and do some easier stretches first.  You guys probably know this one, but it's the most important so I added it again.  I like to warm up with some changements and jumping jacks after a hot shower.
2. Put a stack of books (or something else sturdy) under each hand if you're not quite to your full splits.  It will keep you from leaning forward and stretching incorrectly.  If you aren't that close to your splits, use two chairs.
3. Take a break sometimes.  If you have a stretching plan, but you don't feel like stretching some days, go ahead and skip!  Your muscles can probably use the break, and taking a day or two off isn't a big deal.  Also, if anything hurts (not like stretching pain, more like "omg my femur just snapped" kind of pain), take at least two days off.  Ice it, see a doctor if it seems serious, please just don't get injured.
4. Do your splits on a straight line.  This will help you keep your legs straight and your hips squared.  We have wood floors in my house, so I can just line up with one of the planks.  If you don't have floors with lines, just put a stripe of duct tape on the floor where you stretch.
5. Hold it.  Try to stay in your splits for at least 30 seconds, but not more than a minute.  It hurts at first, but it will get easier if you keep with it.  If you can't stay in your splits for 30 seconds, hold it for 15 on each side, then do them again for another 15 seconds.

That's all I have for now.  Please just remember, none of these tips should go above what your teacher says.  If your teacher says to do something a certain way, he/she is right and you should listen.  If you have a question, comment, or concern, please comment ;)

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