Monday, April 8, 2013

Tights Reviews

This is a review for two tights:  Theatricals Convertible Tights and Body Wrappers Low-rise Tights.  So first, the Theatricals.
I loooove them!  They're only like $6, they're comfy, they appear to be durable (I've only had them like two months), and they're the right shade of ballet pink, so what's not to love??  They're soft and the waist is perfect.  My new favorite tights :D

The Body Wrappers tights are basically like my other ones, except low-rise.  I like the low-rise because I don't have to roll the waist down when I wear my open back leo.  The waistband doesn't make an awkward fat bulge around my hips like I was worried it would.  It has a v-waist, so if you don't a flat stomach, it will roll and stick out.  There was a tiny hole in the V, so I just inverted the seam and it's all good now.


  1. Thank you for the review on the tights! I've been looking for some cheap yet durable tights to get that other people say are good, and now I think I've found some.

    1. You're welcome :) Also, All About Dance is have a tights sale right now. I just ordered two Theatricals this morning for 10% off (yay!). Here's the link if you're interested:
