Thursday, June 20, 2013

What Happens When You Don't Practice....

Hey there, ballerinas!  How's summer been?  I hope you've been practicing more than I have...I tried to turn a pirouette today and failed.  Miserably.  It's been 4 weeks since dance ended and since I've really practiced.  I was getting quads, now I need to work on my singles again *sigh*  And it's been 3 weeks since I last stretched (sat in my right split that night woohoo!), and now touching my toes almost hurts.  Take me as an example, keep practicing!  Don't lose everything you've worked for!

This week was my first week of volunteering as a counselor at camp, so I've been really busy!  I'm at camp for 9 and a half hours every weekday so I'm still trying to work out where to fit in dance and lacrosse practice around it.  I really love it though, so I signed up for 2 more weeks!  I have dance camp the week after it ends, I cannot wait ^_^  Next week, I want to start doing a couple of Pilates workouts each day and stretching.  I hear Pilates is really good cross-training for ballet, and you can never stretch enough right?  Getting my splits is on my summer bucket list and I plan to finish the whole thing!  Happy summer and keep dancing :)


  1. Hello, I know what happens when you are not continuing with your dance practice. I recently joined ADTC (americandancetrainingcamp) but due body pain I could not continue the dance practice and after a few day bed rest its really difficult to me do the correct dance move.

    1. Awww sorry to hear that! I hope you're feel better and are getting back to dance.
