Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cinderella Rehearsals and Semester Projects

Rehearsals for Cinderella started on the 11th of this months and are every Saturday.  They run rehearsals from 9 - 5, but we only need to go for the times for the rehearsal of our parts.  The schedule changes every week, though, so we highlight our schedules for our times, and we also need to know where (Studio1, Studio2, Auditorium, or Lower School Studio).  They have two warm-up classes in the morning, one at 9am and one at 11:30am, and we go to the one before our first rehearsal.  So if I have an 11am rehearsal, I'd go to the 9am class.  If I have a 1pm rehearsal, I'd go to the 11:30am class.  I'm a court lady, and we're only in two scenes, so we have a lot of time between classes and rehearsals.  We mostly do homework, sit in the hallway and talk, or watch other rehearsals.  Yesterday, we had an hour and 15 minute break, so even I bought my lacrosse stick and practiced a bit!  Yesterday's rehearsal was also the first rehearsal for the court men too, so we finally got to see how the court dance is actually going to work out.

For second semester, we have two projects.  The first one is for this quarter, and we have to make up at barre and center combination and teach it to the class.  For next quarter, we have to choreograph a 1 - 2 minute routine to any song of our choice.  I'm really excited/nervous about this one!  I'm still working on choosing a song; I'm trying to narrow down my list from about 30 songs.  We're allowed to mix ballet with another style too, so I'm probably going to do lyrical/ballet.

Lacrosse season is starting up next week, so posts might be less often and shorter.  Hopefully I'll learn some new stretches or exercises to share with you all, though.  Keep dancing!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Goals and Workout

Happy New Year!  At the beginning of last year, I posted my goals for 2013.  I didn't complete all of them, but I did make good progress in certain areas.  Some of them I did complete, but then lost because I didn't practice consistently.  So my goals for 2014 are to keep motivated, keep practicing through the summer, and to work hard to get as strong as I can before I start pointe in the fall.  Comment below what your goals for this year are, and what goals you finished last year!

To start off this year, I did a workout today with these two videos.  It was really fun, but hard.  If you want to try it, do the cardio video first and then legs video, and if you really want to challenge yourself you can do the cardio video again after legs!  Let me know if you try it!  Also, Blogilates has a ton of other workout videos so check them out if you're interested.

Happy New Year, and keep dancing!